One Fil Case Library

Shalini and Maneshs visit have got me on to getting as many Onefil sealer cases back in for review as I can.
If anyone can share review cases with me too comment below and that would be really appreciated. I’ll try to build a library of cases that we can share and publish some data.
I rarely get cbct reviews of cases but this was a fortuitous case today as referred for another assessment.
Nice osseous healing.
Bills case here is a lovely example of the biocompatibility of the material and ability of the body to heal and to form bone around and with the material. It doesn’t resorb like some other sealers, it’s sets hard and has a nice flow.
Nice case from David
One FilAnother beautiful case from the superbly talented Mitra. 6 months and excellent healing with onefil
One FilPreviously accessed teeth resulted in significant loss of coronal dentine.
Excellent healing with Onefil. The sealer doesn’t resorb like some sealers and small excess while not aimed for shouldn’t affect healing as material is so biocompatible. Time for cores to be done asap!!
Lovely Result from Anand
One FilLesion on palatal root with small extrusion
One Fil