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2 days face to face course with Lee Feinberg
Thursday 5th & Friday 6th June- London
This course will fulfil the requirements of level 1 core training and level 2 further training in dental cbct justification and image interpretation.
Thursday 5th June
- What is CBCT, how does it work and why is it the 3D imaging modality of choice In dentistry?
- What are the risks and doses associated with CBCT?
- Update on legislation relevant to CBCT.
Software manipulation and factors that affect image quality.
Friday 6th June
- CBCT anatomy and anatomical variants and their clinical relevance.
- Practical CBCT interpretation and reporting session, with case based discussion.
- Non-endodontic disease on CBCT, benign vs malignant features and coming to a differential diagnosis.
There will be real cases presented where you will be required to formulate a treatment plan. You will need to bring a windows compatible laptop or upload parallels or other app onto a mac.
We will also present how cbct affects treatment planning in specialist endo practice and show how we use it to engage patients and enhance our treatment strategies.
Ask Our Expert - Dr Daniel Flynn, Specialist Endodontist