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EndoButler for the storage and organisation, chair-side presentation and measuring of endodontic instruments.
Note; Bag of Endo foams is required with this product. (ie Foam not included)
The EndoButler allows the systematic, customised assembly of these prior to the scheduled appointment to enhance efficiency and sterility and reduce instrument and packaging handling by the team during an appointment.
Choose from 5 colours of BurButler to organise and present your choice of hand file, rotaries, access files and post preparation files.
Diamond white, Ruby pink, Amethyst purple, Sapphire blue, Amber orange
Allows set-up and pre-sterilisation of set by the assistant if required.
Open Cell Single-Use Foam Insert
Packaged in 25 double ( may be split into 50 single. )Each single use foam can be used as a whole
- To facilitate the presentation of new endodontic instruments.
- To measure the working length of endodontic instruments using central measuring column.
- To set all the instruments to chosen apex locator working length using incremental columns.
- Pre-sterilise the assembled EndoButler Base, with your chosen colour BurButler, lid and foam inserted.
- Prior to appointment, set up your chosen file system in files lengths eg 5 files in the EndoButler and any accessories in one end of the foam
- Measure the Apex Locator working length in the central column.
- Dentist or Assistant can set the remaining files to this length using the measuring columns.
- Used files can be cleaned in one end of the open cell foam.
- The foam can be discarded with the used files at the end of the appointment.
- Place a new foam in the EndoButler Base
- Unused files can be left in situ and the used files replaced in the order you wish.
Ask Our Expert - Dr Daniel Flynn, Specialist Endodontist