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Microsurgery retroprep tip kit- (ED19D, ED20D, ED21RD, ED21LD, ED22D, ED23D)- all tips used for efficient apical modification in apical surgery
Yoshi Instrument Removal kit- (ED87, ED88, ED89)- all tips used for the removal of broken instruments in the root canal
Endo access tip kit- (ED6, ED15, ED18, ED12D, ED3D)
Endo irrigation tip kit- (ED6, ED70, ED93, ED96, ED98)- Please add E74 for plastic polymer tips that fit ED70
Restorative tip kit- (ED3D, GD20, GD21, GD31, GD32, GD33)- We'd also recommend purchasing ED12D. This tip has a diamond ball tip for difficult to reach areas for root caries and sub gingival areas.
Endo tips
ED3D- Recommended for melting gutta percha- Immerse the instrument in eugenol before inserting it in the canal. Slightly press the instrument against the cone of gutta percha and activate the scaler to condense until the canal is filled
ED4- Ideal for removing obstructions during root canal treatment
ED5- Used to remove the root filling obstructions during the root canal retreatment
ED5D- Diamond coated (40µm) instrument for removing the calcification and bad filling material in the root canal during the root canal retreatment
ED6- Ideal for removing foreign body in deep canals
ED7- Ideal to remove foreign body in the middle third of the canal
ED10- Endodontic surgery tip used to polish root canal in the retrograde preparation of root canals
ED11- Used to polish the root canal in the retrograde preparation of root canals
ED11D- Diamond coated (40µm) instrument for high efficiency root planning in the retrograde preparation of root canals
ED12D- used to remove foreign bodies in the root canal and expose the root canal
ED15- used for RCT. The lateral grinding efficiency is enhanced and stubborn substances in the medullary cavity wall are removed efficiently; with water cooling
ED17- used to remove dentin and calcification in the root canal
ED18- used for RCT to remove dentin and calcification at 1/3 of the root canal
ED25LD- efficient apex modification in retropreparation
ED25RD- efficient apex modification in retropreparation
ED60- Ideal for irrigation of root canal after root canal preparation
ED70- Endo adapter- to used to install and connect the root canal irrigation tip (E73 or E74) to clean the root canal
General tips
GD1- used to remove supragingival calculus
GD3- used to remove supra & subgingival calculus
GD4- used to remove supragingival and interdental calculus
GD8- used to remove crowns/posts
GD11- used for orthodontics and to polish off teeth surfaces
Perio & scaling tips
PD1- used to remove subgingival calculus
PD2L/PD2R- Left-angled/right angled- used to remove calculus from very narrow inter-root spaces and furcation
PD3- used to remove calculus in the subgingival part & deep part of periodontal pockets
Ask Our Expert - Dr Daniel Flynn, Specialist Endodontist