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Woodpecker Woodpex V a new generation Apex locator ideal for more refined endodontics - now more accurate.
• More than accurate when it comes to canal depth.
• Anti-interference algorithm to make the device far more stable.
• Multi-frequency technology to detect pulp or blood in root canal.
• Dynamic measurement results based on tooth anatomy.
• More reliable than the traditional handling method.
• Better suited to 3D anatomy than X-Ray imaging.
Why we've chosen this device
We know that there is often a discrepancy of where the terminus of the root canal system ends and the radiographic apex.
Nowadays, an apex locator is an essential part of our endodontic kit. If you are not lucky enough to have an integrated apex locator in your endo motor then a stand alone apex locator is desirable.
The gold standard in apex locators has been the root zx for many years. The gap between the zx and alternative options has considerable narrowed.
This apex locator is very close performance-wise to the root zx but considerable more cost effective. I know we have clinicians already on the group who have given very good feedback on this apex locator privately.
This should be a great option if working without an apex locator or if you work in multiple locations and wish to transport less kit.
Technical Specifications:
Size: 84mm x 88mm x 112mm
Weight: 336g
Ask Our Expert - Dr Daniel Flynn, Specialist Endodontist